Experts from the healthcare sector believe that the use of artificial intelligence in particular (52%), followed by sensors for continuous patient monitoring (49%), and innovations in cell and gene therapy (35%) will revolutionize the healthcare market by 2026. This trend is further supported by revenue comparisons: while 2020 revenues were around US$4.9 billion, forecasts for 2026 calculate global revenues of US$45.2 billion. AI as the future of medicine.
The future has long since become reality. The healthcare sector is changing as fast as never before, the advances within the pharmaceutical industry are enormous and the work with medical devices is becoming smarter and smarter. A key driver of this development is Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, which is helping to improve patient care. By accessing and using vast amounts of data, research into the development of new medical products and pharmaceutical preparations can be rapidly advanced and treatment of diseases can be significantly optimized. AI not only represents an innovative new research base, but also has a significant impact on how medicine is practiced and care is organized. New rules of the game and new framework conditions are emerging, provided by smart assistance systems, Big Data and IoT.
In our latest issue of lexoro INNOVATIONS, we take you through current AI trends in the medical technology and pharmaceutical industries, explain the technological background and provide an overview of big players in the field of artificial intelligence. On top of that, we integrated some exclusive interviews for you. Learn more about the opportunities and risks, future prospects and possible use cases from the perspective of market participants and industry experts. We have prepared all the important information for you – take a look!
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